Diseases caused by bacteria in humans

There are various diseases caused by bacteria in humans, some of the bacterial disease in humans are tuberculosis, typhoid, tetanus etc. Lets learn them in detail.


Bacteria are omnipresent. In extreme and most favorable conditions, bacterial growth is a must. We are surrounded by bacteria everywhere. In fact, bacteria are found inside the human body, on our skin, in our hairs and all other surfaces. Bacteria inside our gut/stomach are good bacteria and we must have them to lead a healthy life. The others on our skin and surfaces are mostly harmless and their growth does not affect our health. But some strains of bacteria are harmful to us and cause severe infections and even diseases.

Causes of Bacterial Diseases :-

Bacterial infection can occur in several ways. Many sources may lead to contact with harmful strains of bacteria which can cause serious diseases. Some of the causes are as follows :-

1) The most common and easy way is by direct or indirect contact to get infected by bacterial infection. This can be person to person contact in which the disease spreads by coming in contact with the infectious patient. It happens if the infected person sneezes, touches, or coughs. Infection occurs even by sharing things like clothes, razors, etc. with the infected person or by coming in contact with body fluids of infected person.   

2) Sexual contact with the infected person is also a cause of spread of disease.

3) Animal to person contact where infected animals or pets bites or scratch. Animal or pet wastes should always be handled carefully as they can also cause bacterial infections.

4) From mother to child during pregnancy infection spreads. Although not all germs can cross the placental barrier in pregnant women but some infectious germs may cause this barrier to cause the spread of disease.

5) Bacterial infections may also spread by indirect contact when disease causing bacteria are picked up by a healthy person from the surrounding atmosphere.

6) Insects and mosquitoes also carry bacterias and transfer these through biting a healthy person.

7) Through eating contaminated food and water bacterial infection occurs. Bacteria grow easily on food and most of the time, they are the reason for food spoilage also. Contaminated water bodies also laden with harmful disease causing bacteria.

List of disease caused by bacteria in humans :-




Salmonella typhi

Bubonic plague

Yersinia pestis


Vibrio cholerae


Bacillus anthracis

Lyme disease

Borrelia burgdorferi

Dental cavities

Streptococcus mutans






Mycobacterium leprae


Clostridium tetani


Bordetella pertussis


Corynebacterium diptheriae


Treponema pallidum


Neisseria gonorrhoeae


Salmonella enteritis


Read about important vitamins and minerals deficiency diseases by clicking here.

Read about diseases caused by viruses in humans by clicking here.