August 2023 Important Current Affairs

Here we are going to discuss August 2023 important curent affairs which are helpful for the exams like SSC CGL(Pre, Mains), State PCS, UPSC, CPO, CHSL, NDA, CDS, CAPF, CET, Group-C & D, Railway exams, Banks, DSSSB etc.

August 2023 Important Current affairs are as :

Q : 1) हाल ही में महाराष्ट्र सरकार द्वारा प्रथम उद्योग रत्न पुरुस्कार से किसे सम्मानित किया गया है ? l Who has been awarded with Ist Udyog Ratna award by the  Maharashtra govt. ?

  1. Mukesh Ambani
  2. Ratan Tata
  3. Anand Mahindra
  4. Naveen Jindal

Q : 2) कौनसी कंपनी ने श्रीनगर की डल झील में पहला फ्लोटिंग स्टोर खोला है l Which company is going to open first ever floating store in Dal lake in Srinagar ?

  1. Flipkart
  2. Amazon
  3. Myntra
  4. Walmart

Q : 3) ULLAS मोबाइल एप किस से संबंधित है ? l ULLAS mobile app is related to ?

  1. Health monitoring
  2. Women saftey
  3. Education
  4. Banking

Note :- ULLAS(Understanding lifelong learning for all in society)

Q : 4) NAAC का नया डायरेक्टर किसे नियुक्त किया गया है ? l Who has been appointed as new director of (NAAC) National Assessment and Accreditation Council ?

  1. Ganesan Kannabiran
  2. S.C. Sharma
  3. Latha Pillai
  4. D.P. Singh

Q : 5) म्हादेई वन्यजीव अभयारण्य किस राज्य में स्थित है ? l Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which state ?

  1. Karnataka
  2. Goa
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Kerala

Q : 6) महिला टेनिस संघ  2023 का खिताब किसने जीता ? l Who won Women’s Tennis Association title 2023?

  1. Laura Siegemund
  2. Iga Swiatek
  3. Gerd Muller
  4. Carlos Santillana

Note : She is from Poland

Q 7) विश्व कॉफी सम्मेलन 2023 किस देश में आयोजित किया जाएगा ? l World Coffee Conference 2023 will be held in which country?

  1. India (Bengaluru)
  2. China
  3. Canada
  4. Australia

Q 8) ज्यूपिटर 3′ किस अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी द्वारा लॉन्च किया गया है ? l  ‘Jupitor 3’ is launched by which space agency?

  1. ISRO
  2. NASA
  3. SpaceX
  4. JAXA

Note : SpaceX is of Elon Musk(USA)

Q 9) फुटबॉल इतिहास में हेडर से सर्वाधिक गोल करने वाला खिलाड़ी कौन बन गया ? l Who becomes highest goal scorer with headers in football history?

  1. Pele
  2. Carlos Santillana
  3. Gerd Muller
  4. Cristiano Ronaldo

Q 10) प्रतिष्ठित पक्षी लोगो को बदलने के बाद ट्विटर का नया लोगो क्या है ? l After replacing iconic bird logo, what is the new logo of Twitter?

  1. Tesla Car
  2. Chat Symbol
  3. Alphabet ‘X’
  4. Rocket

Q 11)  विश्व स्तनपान सप्ताह किस दिन से मनाया जा रहा है ? l World Breastfeeding Week is being observed from which day?

  1. 1 to 5 August
  2. 2 to 8 August
  3. 1 to 7 August
  4. 1 to 6 August

Note: Theme is “Let’s make breastfeeding and work, work!”

Q 12) वेस्टर्न लेनउपन्यास जिसे हाल ही में 2023 बुकर पुरस्कार की सूची में शामिल किया गया है, किसके द्वारा लिखा गया है ? l ‘Western Lane’ novel which has recently been included in 2023 Booker Prize longlist is authored by whom?

  1. Adheer Ranjan
  2. Shashikala Jha
  3. Chetana Maru
  4. B.K. Shivani

Q 13) मनकुराड आम को हाल ही में जीआई टैग मिला है वह किस राज्य से है ? l Mankurad Mango which got GI tag is from which state?

  1. Goa
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Chattisgarh
  4. Gujarat

Q 14) हाल ही में किस कंपनी ने वर्ल्ड कॉइन क्रिप्टोकरेंसी प्रोजेक्ट लॉन्च किया है ? Which company has launched World Coin Cryptocurrency Project recently?

  1. Microsoft
  2. OpenAI
  3. ChatGPT
  4. Google

Q : 15)  जस्ट आस्कजो इन दिनों चर्चा में है, क्या है ? l What is ‘Just Ask’ which is in news these days ?

  1. AI powered chatbot
  2. App related to education
  3. Govt. Scheme
  4. None

Note : It is launched by Madhya Pradesh Govt. in collaboration with UNFA(United Nations Population fund)

Q : 16) कारगिल : एक यात्री की जुबानी किताब के लेखक कौन है ? l  Who is the author of book “Kargil : Ek Yatri ki Jubani” ?

  1. Arundhati Roy
  2. Rishi Raj
  3. Vikram Seth
  4. Kiran Desai

Q : 17) मैटी केला, चेदिबूटा साड़ी जिसे हाल ही में जी आई टैग मिला है, कौन से राज्य से संबंधित है ? l ‘Matti Banana’ and ‘Chedibutta Saree’ which gets GI tag are of which state ?

  1. Andhra Pradesh
  2. Karnataka
  3. Kerala
  4. Tamil Nadu

Q : 18) हाल ही में सूचीबद्ध 13वीं महारत्न कंपनी का क्या नाम है ? l Which is the 13th Maharatna company listed recently ?

  1. Oil India Limited
  2. Bharat electronics Ltd.
  3. Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.
  4. Steel Authority of India Ltd.

Q : 19)  हाल ही में भारत का रक्षा मंत्रालय किस ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम पर स्थानांतरित हुआ है ? l Recently defense ministry of India has migrated to which operating system ?

  1. Linux
  2. MAYA
  3. Ios
  4. macOS

Q :20) कौन सा वयक्ति विश्वनाथन आनंद को पछाड़ कर भारत का नंबर 1 शतरंज खिलाडी बन गया है ? l Who has become India’s no. 1 chess player after overtaking Viswanathan Anand?

  1. Pentala Harikrishna
  2. Vidit Gujrathi
  3. Gukesh D
  4. R Praggnandhaa

Note :- Gukesh D holds a live rating of 2755.9 in classic chess, while Viswanathan Anand holds rating of 2754.

Q : 21) ‘JALDOST एयरबोट क्या है जो हाल ही में खबरों में है ? l What is ‘JALDOST Airboat’ which is in news recently ?

  1. An air to air missile of DRDO
  2. An airboat to weed out excess aquatic & floating waste from water bodies.(पानी से कचरे को हटाने के लिये)
  3. An AI robot to teach students
  4. A military exercise

Q : 22) अभ्यासफाल्कन शील्ड2023″ चीन और …………. के बीच आयोजित किया जाएगा ? l Exercise “Falcon Shield-2023” will be conducted between China and ………….?

  1. UAE
  2. Russia
  3. Mongolia
  4. Taiwan

Q : 23) राजमार्गों पर उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल अनुभव प्रदान करने के लिए राजमार्गयात्रा‘ ऐप किसके द्वारा लॉन्च किया गया है ? l ‘Rajmargyatra’ app to provide a user friendly experience on highways is launched by ?

  1. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
  2. NHAI (National Highway Authority of India)
  3. Ministry of Urban Development
  4. Ministry of Social Justice  and Empowerment

Q : 24) मालाबार नदी उत्सव किस राज्य में मनाया जाता है ? l Malabar river festival is celebrated in which state ?

  1. Kerala
  2. Karnataka
  3. Goa
  4. Maharashtra

Q : 25) स्पाइक नॉन लाइन ऑफ साइट (एनएलओएस)क्या है ? l What is ‘’Spike Non line of Sight(NLOS)’’ which is seen in news ?

  1. Anti Submarine missile
  2. Anti Tank guided missile
  3. Satellite of ISRO
  4. An air to air missile

Note :- ‘Nag’ is also an anti tank missile

Q : 26)  कौन सा शहर देश का पहला सेप्टिक टैंक मुक्त शहर बनने जा रहा है ? l Which city is going to become country’s first septic tank free city ?

  1. Navi Mumbai
  2. Delhi
  3. Chandigarh
  4. Kolkata

Q : 27) हिरोशिमा दिवस हर वर्ष कब मनाया जाता है ? l Hiroshima day is observed every year on ?

  1. 6th August
  2. 7th August
  3. 8th August
  4. 9th August

 Q : 28) आदि पेरुक्कू उत्सव किस राज्य में मनाया जाता है ? l‘Aadi perukku festival’ is celebrated in which state ?

  1. Kerala
  2. Karnataka
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. Telengana

Q : 29) देश भर में बाल देखभाल संस्थानों की निगरानी के लिए कौन सा पोर्टल लॉन्च किया गया है ? l Which portal is launched to monitor child care institutions across the country?

  1. Masi Portal                            
  2. Tapas portal
  3. Daksh portal
  4. Kavach portal

Note : MASI :- Monitoring app for seamless inspection

Trick : MASI बच्चो की निगरानी कर रही है l

Q 30) राष्ट्रीय हथकरघा दिवस हर वर्ष कब मनाया जाता है ? l National Handloom day is celebrated every year on ?

  1. 6th August
  2. 7th August
  3. 8th August
  4. 9th August

Note : This day is celebrated to commemorate the launch of Swadeshi movement in 1905.

Q 31) प्रतिष्ठित स्थल संग्रहालय किस राज्य में स्थापित किया गया है ? l Iconic Site Museum is set up in which state?

  1. Madhya Pradesh
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. Mumbai

Q 32) आइंस्टीन क्रॉस का संबंध किससे है ? l Einstein Cross is related to what?

  1. New virus
  2. Famous painting
  3. Biography of Einstein
  4. Rare astronomical event

Q 33) संविधान को पढ़ो या जियो अभियान हाल ही में किस राज्य/केंद्र शासित प्रदेश में शुरू किया गया है ? l ‘Samvidhan ko padho or jiyo’ campaign has been started recently in which state/UT?

  1. Madhya Pradesh
  2. Goa
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Bihar

Q 34) किस देश की महिला कंपाउंड टीम ने विश्व तीरंदाजी में स्वर्ण पदक जीता है ? Which country’s Women’s compound team wins gold at World Archery?

  1. Germany
  2. China
  3. India
  4. Canada

Q 35) किस राज्य ने अंग और ऊतक प्रत्यारोपण के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ राज्य का पुरस्कार जीता ? l Which state won best State award for organ and tissue transplantation?

  1. Tamil Nadu
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Haryana

Q 36) “अंडरवाटर व्हीकल फॉर माइन डिटेक्शन” का नाम क्या है ? l What is the name of “Underwater Vehicle for Mine Detection”?

  1. Neerakshi
  2. Meerakshi
  3. Meenakshi
  4. Jalakshi

Trick : Water in the eyes.

Q 37) किस राज्य मंत्रिमंडल ने 19 नए जिलों और 3 मंडलों के गठन को मंजूरी दी है ? l Which State Cabinet approved formation of 19 new districts and 3 divisions in it?

  1. Maharashtra
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Haryana
  4. Madhya Pradesh

Q 38) नया सवेरा योजना किस मंत्रालय द्वारा कार्यान्वित की गई है जिसे ‘फ्री कोचिंग एंड अलाइड’ स्कीम के रूप में भी जाना जाता है ? l ‘Naya Savera’ scheme is implemented by which ministry which is also known as ‘Free Coaching and Allied’ scheme recently?

  1. Ministry of Environment  and Forests
  2. Ministry of Culture
  3. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
  4. Ministry of Minority Affairs

Q 39) ‘विश्व आदिवासी दिवस’ किस दिन मनाया जाता है? “International day of the World’s Indegenous Peoples” is celebrated on which day?

  1. 7 August
  2. 8 August
  3. 9 August
  4. 10 August

Q 40) विश्व जैव ईंधन दिवस और विश्व शेर दिवस कब मनाया जाता है ? l When is the World bio-fuel Day celebrated?

  1. 8 August
  2. 9 August
  3. 10 August
  4. 11 August

Q 41) एक स्वचालित मृदा परीक्षण और कृषि विज्ञान सलाहकार मंच क्या है, जिसे हाल ही में लॉन्च किया गया है ? l What is an automated soil testing and agronomy advisory platform, which is launched recently?

  3. BEE-APP
  4. BHU-APP

Q 42) यूके में देखे गए नए COVID वेरिएंट का नाम क्या है ? l What is the name of new COVID variant witnessed in UK?

  1. Iris
  2. Eris
  3. Peris
  4. Keris

Q : 43 मुदुमलाई बाघ अभयारण्य किस राज्य में है ? l Mudumalai tiger reserve is in which state ?

  1. Karnataka
  2. Kerala
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. Telengana

Note :– It is in news because Madras High Court recently directed the Govt. to reallocate 495 residents of a village which falls within the protected area of this tiger reserve.

Q : 44) लखपति दीदी योजनाकिससे संबंधित है ? l ‘Lakhpati didi scheme’ is related to ?

  1. To give lottery tickets to women
  2. To provide skill development training to 2 Crore women in villages
  3. To provide subsidy to women for LPG connections
  4. None

Features of this scheme :-

i) In this scheme, Government’s aim is to create ‘2 crore Lakhpati didis’ i.e skilled women in villages.

ii) This scheme also helps in poverty alleviation and empowerment of women.

iii) Women will be provided training in this scheme in the skills like LED bulb making, plumbing etc. so that they can earn upto Rs. 1 Lakh per year.

iv) Around 15000 Women SHG’s(Self Help Groups) will be provided with the training.

Q : 45) ‘पिबोटक्या है जो इन दिनों चर्चा में है ? l What is ‘Pibot’ which is in news these days ?

  1. A Robot to clean septic tanks
  2. A humanoid robot pilot to fly aircrafts
  3. A humanoid robot to be used in wars
  4. A humanoid robot to solve mathematical problems

Note :- It is being developed by Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) of South Korea.

Q : 46) भगत ब्रिज का उद्घाटन भारत के किस राज्य/केंद्र शासित प्रदेश में किया गया है ? l Bhagat bridge is inaugurated in which state/UT of India ?

  1. Ladakh
  2. Jammu & Kashmir
  3. Himachal Pradesh
  4. Sikkim

Note : Indian Army inaugurated the ‘Bhagat Bridge’ in Danna Village which is the last village in the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir’s Machhal Sector. This bridge is named in memory of Late Major Bhagat Singh, Veer Chakra awardee, who defended this sector in the 1965(Indo-Pak) war.Q : 47) हाल ही में पुरुषों के 61 किलोग्राम फ्रीस्टाइल कुश्ती वर्ग में अंडर 20 विश्व चैम्पियनशिप में स्वर्ण पदक किसने जीता है ? l Who has recently won a gold medal in the Under 20 World Championship in men’s 61 Kg freestyle wrestling category?

  1. Mohit Kumar
  2. Bajrang Punia
  3. Vinesh Phogat
  4. Ravi Dahiya

Q : 48) प्रबल क्या है जो इन दिनों चर्चा में है ? l What is Prabal which is in news these days ?

  1. India’s first long range revolver     
  2. India’s AI powered robot
  3. India’s Supercomputer
  4. India’s driverless car

Note :  ‘Prabal’ revolver is a light weight weapon, its range is upto 50 metres and its price is almost half of the other revolvers available in the same category. Its weight is approx. 700 grams.

Q : 49) प्रिया मलिक ने अंडर-20 विश्व कुश्ती चैंपियनशिप में 76 किलोग्राम वर्ग में कौन सा पदक जीता है ? l Which medal is won by Priya Malik in Under-20 World Wrestling championship in 76 Kg category ?

  1. Silver
  2. Gold
  3. Bronze
  4. None

Note : In the Under – 20 World Wrestling championship, Mohit Kumar won the gold medal in men’s 61 Kg freestyle wrestling category.

Q : 50) किस राज्य ने भारत का पहला गांव (मायेम) का जैव विविधता एटलस लॉन्च किया है ? l Which state has launched India’s first Biodiversity Atlas of a village(Mayem)?

  1. Goa
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Karnataka
  4. Tamil Nadu

Note :- As we all know that we have a Atlas of World, India, mountains, rivers etc. On the same line a village Atlas is also launched by the Goa government. This is a significant step towards preserving biodiversity and celebrating India’s rich socio-cultural heritage.

Q : 51) ”UDGAM” पोर्टल किसके द्वारा लॉन्च किया गया है ? l ‘UDGAM’portal which stands for Unclaimed Deposits – Gateway to Access Information’ is launched by ?

  1. NITI Aayog
  2. SEBI(Securities and Exchange Board of India)
  3. RBI(Reserve Bank of India)
  4. Pratham NGO

Note :- Main aim of this portal is to help users in identifying their unclaimed deposits in their accounts. It also helps users to find out the process of claiming these deposits and to reactivate their dormant bank accounts.

Q : 52) भारत का पहला 3-डी मुद्रित डाकघर कहाँ स्थापित किया जाएगा  ? l Where will India’s first 3-D printed post office is going to setup ?

  1. New Delhi
  2. Kolkata
  3. Mumbai
  4. Bengaluru

Q : 53) Dutee Chand is related to which of the following sports ?

  1. Wrestling
  2. Boxing
  3. Athletics
  4. Shooting

Note :-  She is in news because of the ban of 04 years in doping charges by NADA(National Anti Doping Agency). She is a professional Sprinter.

Q : 54) किस राज्य सरकार  ने आदिवासी गांवों को मुख्य सड़कों से जोड़ने के लिए भगवान बिरसा मुंडा योजनाशुरू की है Which state govt. has launched ‘Bhagwan Birsa Munda Jodraste scheme’ to connect tribal villages with main roads ?

  1. Jharkhand
  2. Chattisgarh
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Madhya Pradesh

Note :- It aims to link all tribal villages in 17 districts of Maharashtra with main roads. The estimated Cost of the project is Rs. 5000 Crore and the roads constructed under it will be approximately 6838 Kilometers.

Q : 55) विश्व मच्छर दिवस हर वर्ष मनाया जाता है ? l World Mosquito day is commemorated every year on ?

  1. 19th August
  2. 20th August
  3. 21st August
  4. 22nd August

Note :- World Mosquito Day is observed every year on 20th August to commemorate the discovery of British doctor Sir Ronald Ross. In 1897, he discovered that female “anopheline mosquitoes’’ transmit malaria between humans.

Q : 56) सद्भावना दिवस या सांप्रदायिक सद्भाव दिवस हर साल मनाया जाता है ? l Sadbhavana diwas or communal harmony day is celebrated every year on ?

  1. 19th August
  2. 20th August
  3. 21st August
  4. 22nd August

Note :- It is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of late Shri Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India.

During his tenure, 61st Amendment Act of the Constitution was passed in 1989 which reduced the voting age from 21 years to 18 years. He got Bharat Ratna in 1991.

Q : 57) प्रख्यात व्यक्तित्व देवेन दत्ता का हाल ही में निधन हो गया है, वह किस क्षेत्र से संबधित थे ? l Eminent personality Deven Dutta passed away recently, he was a ?

  1. Sportsperson
  2. Educationist and Social Activist
  3. Singer
  4. Writer

Q : 58) माउई द्वीप जो खबरों में था, किस देश में स्थित है ? l Maui island which was in news, is located in which country ?

  1. UK
  2. USA
  3. Japan
  4. Singapore

Note :- Deadly wildfire occurred there in the Maui island(Hawaii islands)Exact reason for the devastating wildfire is still unknown to the officials, but experts say that the wildfire is due to a mix of high temperatures, strong winds from a storm near the islands, and drought conditions that dried out grasses on the island.

Q : 59) महिला फीफा विश्व कप 2023 किस देश ने जीता है ? l Which country has won the Women’s FIFA World Cup 2023 ?

  1. England
  2. Spain
  3. Argentina
  4. Brazil

Note :- Spain has defeated England in the final by a score of 1-0Final of the world cup was held at Sydney in Australia.

Q : 60) चंद्रमा के लिए LUNA-25 मिशन किस देश का है ? l LUNA – 25 mission for the moon is of which country ?

  1. USA
  2. India
  3. Russia
  4. England

Note :- It is launched by Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos. Luna 25 was launched almost a month later than Chandrayaan-3. However, Luna 25 is set to reach moon earlier than Chandrayaan – 3 because of its direct trajectory.

  • Lift-off mass of Luna 25 is 1,750 kg
  • Lift off mass of Chandrayaan-3 is 3,900 kg.

Q : 61) BPCL (भारत पेट्रोलियम कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड) का ब्रांड एंबेसडर किसे नियुक्त किया गया है ? Who is appointed as Brand ambassador of BPCL(Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.) ?

  1. Saurav Ganguly
  2. Sachin Tendulkar
  3. Virat Kohli
  4. Rahul Dravid

Note : He will endorse BPCL’s Pure for Sure initiative and range of MAK lubricants.

Q : 62) दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची मोटर योग्य सड़क का निर्माण बीआरओ (सीमा एवं सड़क संगठन) द्वारा  कहाँ किया जा रहा है World’s highest motorable road is going to be constructed by BRO(Border & Road Organisation) at ?

  1. Ladakh
  2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Jammu & Kashmir
  4. Sikkim

Q : 63) चंद्रयान3 के लैंडरऔर रोवरका क्या नाम है जो चंद्रमा के दक्षिणी ध्रुव पर सफलतापूर्वक उतरा है ? l What is the name of ‘lander’ and ‘rover’ respectively, of Chandrayaan – 3 which successfully landed on Moon’s South pole ?

Ans :- Lander is Vikram and Rover is Pragyan

           Objectives of Chandrayaan-3 are :

  • To demonstrate Safe and Soft Landing on Lunar Surface
  • To demonstrate Rover roving on the moon and
  • To conduct in-situ scientific experiments.

Mission Life of (Lander & Rover) is One lunar day which is approximately equal to 14 Earth days.

Q : 64) शतरंज विश्व कप के फाइनल में पहुंचने वाले दूसरे भारतीय कौन बन गए हैं ? l Who has become the 2nd Indian to reach the final of the Chess World Cup ?

Ans : R. Praggnanadha

Note :- His full name is Rameshbabu Praggnanadha, he hails from Chennai(Tamil Nadu). He was born on 10th August 2005.

Q : 65) चुनाव में मतदाताओं की भागीदारी को बढ़ावा देने के लिए भारत के चुनाव आयोग के राष्ट्रीय आइकनके रूप में किसे नियुक्त किया गया है ? l Who has been recognised as ‘National icon’ of Election Commission of India to boost voters participation in election ?

Ans : Sachin Tendulkar

Note :- Sachin Tendulkar signed a three-year contract with the Election Commission of India to encourage civic engagement and boost voter turnout, especially among urban and youth populations.

  • Current CEC (Chief Election Commissioner) is Shri Rajiv Kumar.

Q : 66) एनजीटी (नेशनल ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल) के नए अध्यक्ष के रूप में किसे नियुक्त किया गया है ? l Who is appointed as new Chairperson of NGT (National Green Tribunal) ?

Ans : Justice Prakash Srivastava

Note :- The National Green Tribunal was set up in 2010 under the National Green Tribunal Act 2010 for speedly disposal of cases relating to environmental protection and conservation of forests and other natural resources.

It is a specialized body equipped with the necessary expertise to handle environmental disputes involving multi-disciplinary issues. The Tribunal shall not be bound by the procedure laid down under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, but shall be guided by principle of natural justice.

Q : 67) हाल ही में किस राज्य में 10 दिवसीय ओणम उत्सव शुरू हुआ है ? l Recently in which state 10 days Onam festival started ?

Ans : Kerala

Q : 68) लूनर पोलर एक्सप्लोरेशन मिशन (LUPEX) किन दो देशों का है ? l Lunar Polar Exploration Mission (LUPEX) is of which two countries ?

Ans : India and Japan

Note : It is a joint mission of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) 

LUPEX mission will explore the possibility of establishing a base on the Moon. Mission is scheduled to launch in 2025.

Q : 69) 15वें ब्रिक्स शिखर सम्मेलन 2023 की मेजबानी किस देश ने की है ? l Which country has hosted the 15th BRICS summit 2023 ?

Ans : South Africa

Note : Five members in BRICS are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE were invited to become full members of BRICS from January 1, 2024.

Q : 70) मैत्री सेतु पुल किन दो देशों के बीच है ? l Maitri Setu bridge is between which two countries ?

Ans : India and Bangladesh

Note : It is on Feni river. This 1.9 kilometres bridge joins Sabroom(Tripura) with Ramgarh in Bangladesh.

Q : 71) भारत में पहली बार AI (आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस) आधारित स्कूल किस राज्य में लॉन्च किया गया है ? l In which state AI(Artificial intelligence) based school is launched in India for the first time ?

Ans : Kerala

Note : The school was inaugurated by former President Ram Nath Kovind in Thiruvananthapuram.

Q : 72) UWW (यूनाइटेड वर्ल्ड रेसलिंग) ने किस देश के कुश्ती संघ को निलंबित कर दिया है ? l UWW(United World Wrestling) has suspended the wrestling association of which country?

Ans : India

Note : The Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) has faced suspension due to ongoing controversies and prolonged delays in conducting elections.

President of Wrestling Federation of India : Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh

Q : 73) 69वें राष्ट्रीय फिल्म पुरस्कार में सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेता का पुरस्कार किसने जीता है ? l Who has won the best actor award in 69th National Film Awards ?

Ans : Allu Arjun for his movie ‘Pushpa’

Note :- Best Actress award : Alia Bhatt for her movie Gangubai Kathiawadi and Kriti Sanon for her movie Mimi.

Award for the Best Feature Film: Rocketry (It was written, produced and directed by R.Madhavan)

Q : 74) ‘शिव शक्तिऔर तिरंगा पॉइंटक्या है ? l What is ‘Shiv Shakti’ and ‘Tiranga point’ ?

Ans : “Shiv Shakti” –  The landing spot of Chandrayaan-3’s lander.

“Tiranga point” – It is a location on the Moon where lander of Chandrayaan-2 crashed.

It is announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 26 August at ISRO Telemetry Tracking & Command Network Mission Control Complex in Bengaluru.

Q : 75) किस दिन को राष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाएगा ? l Which day will be celebrated as National Space day ?

Ans : 23rd August (The day when lander of Chandrayaan-3 landed on the moon)

Note :- It is also announced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi that 23rd August would be celebrated as National Space Day.

It is the day when Chandrayaan-3’s lander landed on the moon .

Q : 76) किस राज्य ने 1000 मिलीलीटर से कम आकार की प्लास्टिक की बोतलों पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया है ? l Which state banned the plastic bottles of size less than 1000 ml(milliliter) ?

Ans : Assam

Note : This ban will be effective from 2nd October 2023.

It icludes ban on manufacturing, import, distribution, and sale of plastic water bottles of size less than 1000 Milliliter.

Aim behind this move is to tackle the problem of plastic pollution which is spreading day by day, as we know that plastic is non-biodegradable.

Q : 77) शतरंज विश्व कप 2023 का खिताब किसने जीता है ? l Who has won the title of Chess World Cup 2023 ?

Ans : Magnus Carlsen

Note : Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa, the Indian star got the Second position.

Q : 78) स्वच्छ वायु सर्वेक्षण2023 (10 लाख जनसंख्या श्रेणी में) में किस शहर ने प्रथम स्थान हासिल किया है ? l Which city achieved the first rank in the Clean Air Survey – 2023(in 10 lakh population category)?

Ans : Indore (Madhya Pradesh)

Q : 79) मेरा बिल मेरा अधिकार स्कीम किस से संबधित है ? l Mera Bill Mera Adhikar scheme is ……… ?

Ans : GST invoice incentive programme

Note : Main aim of this scheme is to aware the customers to request a bill from the shopkeepers from where they purchase the goods and upload the same on the Mera Bill Mera Adhikar app to win the lucky draw.

Initially this scheme will be introduced in Haryana, Gujarat, Assam,  Puducherry, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

Prizes in the lucky draw are from Rs 10,000 to up to Rs 1 crore.

The minimum purchase value to be considered for lucky draw is Rs 200, and anyone can upload maximum 25 bills/ invoices per month.

The invoice which you are going to upload on the app should have the following details :

  1. GSTIN of the seller
  2. Invoice number
  3. Amount paid
  4. Tax amount

Q : 80) विश्व एथलेटिक्स चैंपियनशिप 2023 में स्वर्ण पदक जीतने वाले पहले भारतीय कौन बन गए हैं ? l Who has become the first Indian to win a gold medal in the World Athletics Championships 2023 ?

Ans : Neeraj Chopra

Note : He made history by winning the gold medal in World Athletics Championship in Men’s Javelin throw event in Budapest, Hungary.

His throw was of 88.17 meters

Q : 81) नाभमित्र डिवाइस किस संस्था द्वारा डिजाइन किया गया है ? l Nabhmitra device is designed by which organisation ?

Ans : ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation)

Note : It is designed for the safety of the fisherman, in it satellite-based communication system is there. Warning related to the cyclones, weather alerts can be communicated to the fisherman in local language.

Q : 82) “स्मिशिंगजो इन दिनों चर्चा में है क्या है ? l What is “Smishing” which is in news these days ?

Ans : It is a new method of scam used by the scammers.

Note : It is a combination of (SMS + Phishing) called as Smishing.

In it text message is used in place of emails to trick the people with their sensitive information like their password, bank account details, debit card and credit card numbers etc.

You have seen the messages like you have won a lottery of Rs. 100000, click to claim the same etc. These type of messages are used for doing fraud.

Q : 83) विश्व का पहला स्पॉटलेस जिराफ़किस देश में पैदा हुआ है? World’s first ‘Spotless giraffe’is born in which country?

Ans : USA (United States of America)

Note : It was born in Brights Zoo of USA, this female giraffe is completely brown in colour.

Q : 84) चोकुवा चावल जिसे हाल ही में जीआई टैग मिला है वह किस राज्य का है ? l Chokuwa Rice which recently got GI tag is of which state ?

Ans : Assam

Note : It is also known as Magic Rice, the main thing about this rice is that it does not requires any cooking or boiling. It was the main food for the soldiers of the Ahom dynasty which once ruled in the Assam.

Chokuwa Rice is known for its nutritional value and for easy cooking.

Q : 85) पोषण जागरूकता सूचकांक 2023 में कौन सा राज्य शीर्ष पर है ? Which state topped in the Nutrition Awareness Index 2023 ?

Ans : Punjab

Note : Bihar comes in the bottom in this index. This index was released by “Right to Protein campaign’’.

Q : 86) राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस 2023 की थीम क्या है ? l What is the theme of National Sports Day 2023 ?

Ans : Sports are an enabler to an inclusive and fit society.

Note : National Sports Day is celebrated every year on 29th August on the birth anniversary of Major Dhyan Chand. Major Dhyan Chand was a hockey legend.

This day tells us how important sports is for fit and healthy life. Sports teach us teamwork, discipline etc.

Q : 87) भदरवाह राजमाऔररामबाण सुलै शहदको जी आई टैग मिला है, ये कौन से राज्य से संबधित है ? l “Bhaderwah Rajma” and ”Ramban Sulai honey” get GI tag, they are of which state ?

Ans : Jammu & Kashmir

Note : A Geographical Indication(GI) Tag is a label or a trade name of a particular product that shows its region of origin.

Q : 88) सूर्य के कोरोना से संबधित जानकारी जुटाने के लिए आदित्य एल1 मिशन किस एजेंसी का है? Aditya L-1 mission to explore the Sun’s Corona is of which agency ?

Ans : ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation)

Note : Its launch is scheduled on 2nd September 2023.

Q : 89) मिस वर्ल्ड 2023 कार्यक्रम की मेजबानी कौन सा राज्य/केंद्र शासित प्रदेश करेगा ? l  Which State/UT will host the Miss World 2023 event ?

Ans : Jammu & Kashmir

Q : 90) विश्व संस्कृत दिवस 2023 इस वर्ष मनाया गया है ? l World Sanskrit day 2023 is observed this year on ?

Ans : It is observed on Shravan Poornima(Full moon) in the Hindu calendar.

Note : It is also called as Sanskrit Diwas or Vishwa Samskrita Dinam. This year it is celebrated on 31st August 2023.

Aim to celebrate this day is to promote Sanskrit(one of the oldest language of India). Sanskrit is also listed in the 8th Schedule of Indian Constitution.

Q : 91) नमोह 108 क्या है ? l What is Namoh 108 ?

Ans : A new variety of Lotus

Q : 92) प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी को किस देश द्वारा ग्रैंड क्रॉस ऑफ़ ऑर्डर ऑफ़ ऑनर पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया ? l Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji conferred with Grand Cross of the Order of Honour award by which country ?

  1. Italy
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Greece
  4. Norway

Q : 93) इंडिया स्मार्ट सिटीज़ अवार्ड प्रतियोगिता 2022 में किस शहर ने सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्मार्ट सिटी का पुरस्कार जीता ? In India Smart Cities Award Contest 2022, which city won the best smart city award ?

Ans : Indore

Q : 94) ICC पुरुष क्रिकेट विश्व कप 2023 का शुभंकर क्या है ? l What is the mascot for the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 ?

  1. Unicorn
  2. Crictoverse
  3. Tazuni- a Penguin
  4. None

Q : 95) उस पनडुब्बी का क्या नाम है जिसे भारत के पहले मानवयुक्त समुद्रयान मिशन के लिए विकसित किया गया है ? l What is the name of Submarine which is developed for India’s first manned Samudrayaan mission ?

  1. INS Nilgiri
  2. INS Mahendragiri
  3. Matasya 6000
  4. INS Vindhyagiri

Q : 96)  अमृत ​​भारत स्टेशन योजना किससे संबंधित है ? l Amrit Bharat Station scheme is related to ?

  1. Redevelopment of 508 Railway stations
  2. To give free Wifi to all stations
  3. To improve cleaning on all stations
  4. None

Q : 97) इस बार 15 अगस्त 2023 की थीम क्या थी ? l What was the theme of 15th August 2023 ?

Ans : Nation First, Always First

Note : We have celebrated 77th independence day this year.

Q : 98) प्रोजेक्ट 17 के तहत विकसित छठे युद्धपोत का नाम क्या है ? l What is the name of sixth frigate developed under Project 17A ?

Ans : INS Vindhyagiri

Q : 99)  भारत में पारंपरिक शिल्प कौशल को बढ़ावा देने वाली योजना जिसकी घोषणा हाल ही में की गयी है का क्या नाम है ? l What is the name of scheme to promote traditional craftsmanship in India ?

Ans : Vishwakarma Yojana

Note : This scheme was announced by PM Narendra Modi Ji on the eve of Independence day. In this scheme, financial assisatnce will be given to small workers as well as to the artisans.

Q : 100)  किस राज्य ने महिलाओं के लिएइंदिरा गांधी मुफ्त स्मार्ट फोन योजनाशुरू की है ? l Which state has launched “Indira Gandhi Free Smart Phone Scheme” for women ?

Ans : Rajasthan

Q : 101) ‘जायद तलवारअभ्यास किन 2 देशों के बीच आयोजित किया गया था ? l ‘Zayed Talwar’ exercise was organised between which 2 countries ?

Ans : India and UAE


Test Questions :

Q : 1) नमोह 108 क्या है ? l What is Namoh 108 ?

  • A new variety of Lotus
  • Collection of 108 famous speeches of Narendra Modi Ji
  • New Tuberculosis Vaccine
  • A biography of Narendra Modi Ji

Q : 2) चोकुवा चावल जिसे हाल ही में जीआई टैग मिला है वह किस राज्य का है ? l Chokuwa Rice which recently got GI tag is of which state ?

  • West Bengal
  • Assam
  • Haryana
  • Telengana

Q : 3) ULLAS मोबाइल एप किस से संबंधित है ? l ULLAS mobile app is related to ?

  1. Health monitoring
  2. Women saftey
  3. Education
  4. Traffic management

Q : 4) महिला फीफा विश्व कप 2023 किस देश ने जीता है ? l Which country has won the Women’s FIFA World Cup 2023 ?

  1. England
  2. Spain
  3. Argentina
  4. Brazil

Q: 5) प्रतिष्ठित पक्षी लोगो को बदलने के बाद ट्विटर का नया लोगो क्या है ? l After replacing iconic bird logo, what is the new logo of Twitter?

  1. Tesla Car
  2. A Cryptocurrency
  3. Alphabet ‘X’
  4. Rocket

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