Diseases caused by fungi in humans & plants

Fungi are major plant and insect pathogens. These are microorganisms characterized by a substance in their cell walls called chitin. Some fungi, like many types of mushrooms, are edible also. Other types of fungi are as aspergillus, can be extremely dangerous and lead to life-threatening diseases to humans. Here, we will study about fungi and diseases caused by fungi in humans & plants.

Different types of fungi can cause fungal infections which are severely affecting functions of our body. In some cases, fungi that are not typically found on or inside our body can colonize it and cause an infection. Fungi that are normally present on or inside our body can multiply out of control times and cause an infection.

Fungal infections can be contagious i.e., they can spread from one person to another. It can be prevented by :-

  • Good hygiene,
  • keeping our skin clean and dry, particularly the folds of our skin
  • wash your hands often, especially after touching animals or other people
  • avoid using other people’s towels and other products
  • wear shoes in locker rooms, community showers, and swimming pools as well
  • wipe gym equipment before using it

Disease caused by fungi in humans :-

1) Alfatoxins :-

Aflatoxin B1 is the most potent natural carcinogen known and is usually the major aflatoxin produced by toxigenic strains. The aflatoxins were isolated and characterized after the death of more than 100,000 turkey poults was traced to the consumption of a mold-contaminated peanut meal. Main strains are of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxin is associated with both toxicity and carcinogenicity in human and animal populations.


Aspergillosis is an infection caused by Aspergillus, a common mold (a type of fungus) that lives indoors and outdoors. Most people breathe in Aspergillus spores every day without getting sick. However, people with weakened immune systems or lung diseases are at a higher risk of developing health problems due to Aspergillus. The types of health problems caused by Aspergillus include allergic reactions, lung infections, and infections in other organs.

3) Ergotism :-

A condition that develops from ergotamines, substances produced due to fungal contamination of grains. A fungus (Claviceps purpurea) that contaminates rye and wheat produces substances (alkaloids) termed as ergotamines.

Ergotamines constrict blood vessels and cause the muscle of the uterus to contract. They have been much used and been very useful for the treatment of migraine. They have also been used and misused as abortifacients (agents of abortion).

4) Athlete’s foot :-

It is also called tinea pedis and is a contagious fungal infection that affects the skin on the feet. It can also spread to the toenails and the hands. The fungal infection is called athlete’s foot because it’s commonly seen in athletes.

Diseases caused by Fungi in plants :-

1) Powdery mildew :-

Mainly caused by the fungus Podosphaera xanthii, infects all cucurbits, including muskmelons, squash, watermelons, gourds, cucumbers and pumpkins. Powdery mildew infections favor humid conditions with temperatures around 68-81°F. In warm, dry conditions, new spores form and it can easily spread the disease.

2) Green Ear Disease :-

The disease was regarded as sporadic in nature causing’ not much damage to the crop except in low lying fields where the loss could be quite significant. It mainly occurs in Bajra.

Two stages of the symptoms of the disease have been recorded yet as: the downy mildew stage prominent on the leaves and the green ear stage affecting the inflorescence or ears.


Albugo candida is the causal organism of the white rust or blister of the rapeseed i.e., mustard crop occurs in all parts of the world where cruciferous crops are grown. It is one of the important diseases of rapeseed mustard in India causing a yield loss of 17-34%.


Ergot of bajra is caused by Claviceps fusiformis and it is an important and widespread disease in India. The disease causes direct grain yield loss by replacing grains with toxic alkaloid containing sclerotia, making the produce unfit for consumption.

Read about diseases caused by viruses in humans by clicking here.

Read about diseases caused by bacteria in humans by clicking here.

Read about important vitamins and minerals deficiency diseases by clicking here.